OH Spring, where are you?
Although spring officially arrived March 20, 2017 someone forgot to tell Mother Nature. It has been cold, with temps well below seasonal....

Getting ready for winter
We begin to start the process of doing our final mite treatments before winter and then begin wrapping our hives, this takes about two...

Fall Markets
We have harvested a plentiful amount of honey this summer, and have been having so much fun at the local North Oshawa Farmers Market on...

August slow down
The nectar flow has slowed down, the bees seem to be taking a break. We extracted honey at the end of July, it is both light and lovely,...

Summer in Full swing
This has been one of the driest summers on record, here in Ontario we have only had one day of rain for the last six weeks. Farmers are...

Brooklin Fair
Again this year we had a wonderful weekend at the Brooklin Spring Fair. We got to see a lot of old friends and made new ones as well. Reg...

Cobourg CIS Rocks
Once again we have been very luck to have the students at CIS in Cobourg paint up some of our hive boxes for us. In exchange we do an...

Pollen Collection Starts
Well its the end of April, and we have started taking stock of how the girls faired over the winter. All and all better then last year....

First Day Of Spring
We had one of the mildest winters on record here in Ontario. As a result, our bees have had a pleasant winter to deal with. They went...

Honey, golden nectar
We spend early September harvesting any extra honey that the bees provide us with, ever mindful to not take off any of the honey that is...